Bajo Brain Breaking Blocks

Bajo Brain Breaking Blocks



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Introducing an angular maze of paths, Bajo Brain Breaking Blocks is a captivating set of blocks inspired by one of the most poetic elements of architecture: stairs. With this set, you can embark on a journey to construct lifelike structures or experiment with creating compositions that resemble dreamscapes. Bajo Brain Breaking Blocks is more than just a toy; it’s a gateway to inspiration drawn from a multitude of sources. Explore the fantastic prints of M.C. Escher, wander through the imaginative buildings envisioned by Ricardo Bofill, or even delve into the mystique of ancient pyramids and ziggurats.

Design: Wojciech Bajor

Size: 20 cm x 20 cm x 3 cm

 Box:  22 cm x 20,7 cm x 4,5 cm

 21 elements

Recommended for children over 18 months.