Kapla 200 Plank Box - Natural

Kapla 200 Plank Box - Natural



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The classic, original KAPLA box which has inspired generations of builders. 

KAPLA's flagship product, the KAPLA 200 box contains the ideal number of planks for a growing imagination.


  • 200 natural KAPLA planks
  • a KAPLA instruction booklet for guidance on basic construction techniques
  • presented in a colourful and easily portable cardboard storage box with cord handle

Measures 25cm x 15cm x 35.7cm and weighs 3kg.


KAPLA is already well-known and widely used as an open-ended classroom resource in schools and play centres in Europe, and is rapidly growing in demand with educators across Australia.

The story of  KAPLA® begins with a Dutch antique dealer, Tom van der Bruggen, who dreamt of building his own castle.

During a trip to the south of France in the late 1960s, Tom fell in love with a ruined farm and decided to turn it into a castle.  In order to visualise his project, he tried to make a scale model using wooden blocks.  But these blocks did not allow him to build a precise and realistic model, so he created his own.

This is how the magic KAPLA plank came to life - the plank with which you can build everything!  Tom called it KAPLA for 'KAbouter PLAnkje' which means ‘gnome plank’ in Dutch.